Your class has found a time machine! Your group will choose one Canadian cultural topic and then travel back in time to 100 years ago, 50 years ago, and then return to 2020. Research what you would find at each time period on your topic. Then create a five-minute video/podcast that describes your experiences and compares and contrasts the location’s culture (e.g. political climate, immigration patterns, economics, etc.) over time. Share your travel documentary with your classmates for the final project!
The Time Machine – Can Do Quiz
Step 4: Video Presentation and Discussion
You’re now ready to show your podcast to the class! After each video, think about some of the following discussion […]
Step 3: Creating a Time Travel Podcast
Now your group is ready to start creating your time travel video podcast! Start by preparing a script that outlines […]
Step 2: Travel across Time: Researching Locations
Now research your topic from 100 years ago, 50 years ago, and now. Feel free to research in different languages, […]
Step 1: Comparing Representations of Culture/History/Space
How different do you think your life would be if you were living in a different time period? In a […]
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