Before beginning this scenario, do a Global Level Check and then a Level Check!
You are hosting an exchange student from another country (e.g., Syria) in your home for 2 months (e.g., during the summer time) and you will meet him/her at the airport. This student is going to your country (Canada) to learn English, but he/she knows very little English. You need to help him/her out by using English and some words in her/his language (e.g., Arabic) so you can communicate. The exchange student is arriving in a few weeks, so you have some time to get in touch with him/her through technology before you two meet face-to-face.
Step 1: Video Self-Introduction
Step 2: Reply to Video
Log into LITE and watch the video that your host has sent to you. Write a reply responding to the […]
Step 3: Arrival Information
Your exchange student will be here soon! Discuss and write the information to be asked from the exchange student via […]
Step 4: Reply to Email 1
Now login to LITE and read the email that your host has sent to you. Draft a response email giving […]
Step 5: Email 2 – Arrangements to meet
Write another email giving more details about the pickup. Write where you will be, clothes that you will be wearing, […]
Step 6: Reply to Email 2
Log in to LITE and read the email reply from your partner. Then, as the exchange partner, write a very […]
Step 7: Texting before arrival
Remember that your exchange partner does not speak much English, so you will need to learn key phrases in their […]
Step 8: It’s great to finally meet you (Culminating Task)
Now you are at the airport. Your exchange partner is arriving and you are holding her/his name sign high above […]
It’s Great to Finally Meet – Can Do Quiz
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