Go to the Make a Post page under the Posts menu. You can upload text, images, audio, video, etc

Global Level Checks measure your proficiency in languages across all levels, from beginners (Pre-A1) to advanced (C2). There is one radar chart for all levels. Level Checks focus on your proficiency and progress in specific levels, so you can generate a radar chart for each level.

We recommend doing Global Level Checks at the beginning and end of a term, or every few months. Level Checks can be done more frequently, at the end of each scenario for example, to see your progress within a level more specifically.

You can ask your teacher, but reflections can also be done after each scenario.

Hover over Community on the menu bar, and then move your mouse down to Pilot Class. You can then click on your class as it appears on the menu to the right.

On your class page, click on “Message” underneath their profile picture. You should also click “Add Friend” to get updates from your classmates.

Click on My Account on the black bar at the top of your screen. Once on this page, go to Privacy on the left-hand menu.

This can be found under Posts -> Everyone’s Posts on the main menu bar.

(English) translation: